Tree Planting at Melini After Devastating Wildfire

After the devastating wildfire on the 3rd of July 2021, which wiped out any living tree and organism at Melini village in Cyprus, I wanted for my 33rd birthday to do something special. And what a better way to organize a tree plantation and reforest slowly the hills of Melini.

The location of the plantation took place in a private land that used to be mainly pine forest with rich biodiversity.

As for the cost, no sponsors or anything of that sort was involved.

At the end, the event was a huge success. With just 30 good friends we managed to plant 400 forest trees and bushes that are endemic to Cyprus forests!!

By the end of winter we plan to add around 2000-3000 trees overall. If you wish to take part in it in any way, please send me an email at, to see if it will be possible to organize a bigger event at some point in the coming months!

Check out some photos below!